2nd Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
College of Music NSTP-CWTS 2 students culminating performance presentationCollege of Music NSTP-CWTS 2 students culminating performance presentationCollege of Music NSTP-CWTS 2 students culminating performance presentationCollege of Music NSTP-CWTS 2 students culminating performance presentationEDLit 179 (Theory and Practice in Literacy Education for Learners in the Intermediate Grades) students conduct class observation and teaching in a community-based literacy centerEDLit 179 (Theory and Practice in Literacy Education for Learners in the Intermediate Grades) students conduct class observation and teaching in a community-based literacy centerEDLit 179 (Theory and Practice in Literacy Education for Learners in the Intermediate Grades) students conduct class observation and teaching in a community-based literacy centerEDLit 179 (Theory and Practice in Literacy Education for Learners in the Intermediate Grades) students conduct class observation and teaching in a community-based literacy centerSW 141 (Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families) students visit their partner organizations to learn more about case management approaches and processes, and the actual experiences of social workersSW 141 (Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families) students visit their partner organizations to learn more about case management approaches and processes, and the actual experiences of social workersSW 141 (Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families) students visit their partner organizations to learn more about case management approaches and processes, and the actual experiences of social workersCollege of Engineering NSTP-CWTS 2 students conduct turn over of project outputs to their partner communitiesCollege of Engineering NSTP-CWTS 2 students conduct turn over of project outputs to their partner communitiesCollege of Engineering NSTP-CWTS 2 students conduct turn over of project outputs to their partner communitiesCE 199 students conduct a site visit at Morong Sanitary Landfill as part of their data collection for their undergraduate project/thesis.CE 199 students conduct a site visit at Morong Sanitary Landfill as part of their data collection for their undergraduate project/thesis.SW 143 (Social Work Practice with communities) students on a community visit to gain an overview of the community organizing experience and foster appreciation in working with communities as a method in social work practice.SW 143 (Social Work Practice with communities) students on a community visit to gain an overview of the community organizing experience and foster appreciation in working with communities as a method in social work practice.SW 143 (Social Work Practice with communities) students on a community visit to gain an overview of the community organizing experience and foster appreciation in working with communities as a method in social work practice.SW 143 (Social Work Practice with communities) students on a community visit to gain an overview of the community organizing experience and foster appreciation in working with communities as a method in social work practice.Geog 190 (Map, Aerial Photo, and Satellite Image Interpretation) students visit the DOST Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) for a lecture on current and emerging space space technologies and the various areas of Remote Sensing application.Geog 190 (Map, Aerial Photo, and Satellite Image Interpretation) students visit the DOST Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) for a lecture on current and emerging space space technologies and the various areas of Remote Sensing application.Geog 190 (Map, Aerial Photo, and Satellite Image Interpretation) students visit the DOST Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) for a lecture on current and emerging space space technologies and the various areas of Remote Sensing application.Geog 190 (Map, Aerial Photo, and Satellite Image Interpretation) students visit the DOST Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) for a lecture on current and emerging space space technologies and the various areas of Remote Sensing application.Civil Engineering post-graduate students count the traffic volume and monitor the air quality at selected major intersections in Metro Manila by measuring the traffic-related air pollution exposure of pedestrians under elevated structures such as bridges, and flyovers.Civil Engineering post-graduate students count the traffic volume and monitor the air quality at selected major intersections in Metro Manila by measuring the traffic-related air pollution exposure of pedestrians under elevated structures such as bridges, and flyovers.Civil Engineering post-graduate students count the traffic volume and monitor the air quality at selected major intersections in Metro Manila by measuring the traffic-related air pollution exposure of pedestrians under elevated structures such as bridges, and flyovers.Civil Engineering post-graduate students count the traffic volume and monitor the air quality at selected major intersections in Metro Manila by measuring the traffic-related air pollution exposure of pedestrians under elevated structures such as bridges, and flyovers.PA 213 (Management of Information and Knowledge for Public Administrators) students with Prof. Alampay (4th from left) and UP Visiting Professor and Learning Visit Facilitator Dr. Eing-Ming Wu (4th from right) at the famed Formosa Boulevard MRT Station featuring the Dome of Light.PA 213 class at the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying Center), designed by Dutch architect Francine Houben.At TAI Urban Resort’s aesthetic library and view deck overlooking the cityscape of Kaohsiung.PA 213 students meet Dr. Yong Sing Chen, one of Kaohsiung City’s transformational leader.PA 213 students were welcomed by Li Captain (who functions like a Barangay Captain) Ming-Chun Li and senior citizen volunteers.As part of the AFA, PA 213 students interacted with the senior citizens at one of Kaohsiung City’s Community Centers.At the Intelligent Transportation Center of Kaohsiung City learning about the interconnectedness of the different modes of public transportation and maps and their use of digital technologies to become a truly smart city.PA 213 students visit the Kaohsiung City Government Sihwei Administration Center to learn about their government services and operations.PA 213 also went out of Kaohsiung City to visit Dapeng Bay Marina in Pingtung County, the southernmost part of Taiwan.To culminate the AFA, PA 213 had a lively discussion with Pingtung County Councilor Hong Ming-jiang (center, holding a map) where they discussed local politics and relevant issues that affect the constituents.CD 100 (Philippine Society and Community Development I) students on a community exposure and sharing with fisherfolk in Las Piñas to talk to, understand, and empathize with the challenges and aspirations of the community.CD 100 (Philippine Society and Community Development I) students on a community exposure and sharing with fisherfolk in Las Piñas to talk to, understand, and empathize with the challenges and aspirations of the community.CD 100 (Philippine Society and Community Development I) students on a community exposure and sharing with fisherfolk in Las Piñas to talk to, understand, and empathize with the challenges and aspirations of the community.CD 100 (Philippine Society and Community Development I) students on a community exposure and sharing with fisherfolk in Las Piñas to talk to, understand, and empathize with the challenges and aspirations of the community.PE 2 Camping for Wellness students on an overnight campout to put in practice concepts learned in class such as campsite setup, organization and management, camp cooking and hygiene, and hiking.PE 2 Camping for Wellness students on an overnight campout to put in practice concepts learned in class such as campsite setup, organization and management, camp cooking and hygiene, and hiking.PE 2 Camping for Wellness students on an overnight camping to pur in practice concepts learned in class such as campsite Setup, organization and management, camp cooking and hygiene, and hiking.PE 2 Camping for Wellness students on an overnight camping to pur in practice concepts learned in class such as campsite Setup, organization and management, camp cooking and hygiene, and hiking.CD 100 (Philippine Society and Community Development I) students on a community visit that aims to assist them in understanding how the community handles the multi-faceted problem of poverty, through observing, participating in discussion with the community members and gaining insights from their experiences.CD 100 (Philippine Society and Community Development I) students on a community visit that aims to assist them in understanding how the community handles the multi-faceted problem of poverty, through observing, participating in discussion with the community members and gaining insights from their experiences.SW 143 (Social Work Practice with Communities) students on an off-campus AFA in Caloon, Malabon, and Navotas areas to better understand community organizing and its process and to gain appreciation in working with communities as a method in social work practice.SW 143 (Social Work Practice with Communities) students on an off-campus AFA in Caloon, Malabon, and Navotas areas to better understand community organizing and its process and to gain appreciation in working with communities as a method in social work practice.Architecture students visit a local warehouse/home depot to understand the manufacturing, processing, storing, and purchasing of materials in construction.Architecture students visit a local warehouse/home depot to understand the manufacturing, processing, storing, and purchasing of materials in construction. Architecture students visit a local warehouse/home depot to understand the manufacturing, processing, storing, and purchasing of materials in construction. Arch 211 (Fire Safety in Buildings) on an International AFA to explore the diverse landscapes of Chiang Mai and Bangkok, Thailand and contrast these with the cultures and scenery of the Philippines.Arch 211 (Fire Safety in Buildings) on an International AFA to explore the diverse landscapes of Chiang Mai and Bangkok, Thailand and contrast these with the cultures and scenery of the Philippines.SW 130 (Social Welfare Policies, Programs and Services) students attend a local ordinance hearing at the Quezon City Hall to gain first-hand exposure in the policy-making process at the local level.SW 130 (Social Welfare Policies, Programs and Services) students attend a local ordinance hearing at the Quezon City Hall to gain first-hand exposure in the policy-making process at the local level.Students enrolled in Arch 22 (Architectural Design IV: Design and Social Space) conducted an off-campus AFA that included a general ocular inspection of the heritage components of the Sta. Ana Church complex, the Lichauco Heritage House, urban and architectural features of the district, lifestyle, behaviors, and activities of members of the community that contribute toward the character and identity of the place.Students enrolled in Arch 22 (Architectural Design IV: Design and Social Space) conducted an off-campus AFA that included a general ocular inspection of the heritage components of the Sta. Ana Church complex, the Lichauco Heritage House, urban and architectural features of the district, lifestyle, behaviors, and activities of members of the community that contribute toward the character and identity of the place.Students enrolled in Arch 22 (Architectural Design IV: Design and Social Space) conducted an off-campus AFA that included a general ocular inspection of the heritage components of the Sta. Ana Church complex, the Lichauco Heritage House, urban and architectural features of the district, lifestyle, behaviors, and activities of members of the community that contribute toward the character and identity of the place.Students enrolled in Arch 22 (Architectural Design IV: Design and Social Space) conducted an off-campus AFA that included a general ocular inspection of the heritage components of the Sta. Ana Church complex, the Lichauco Heritage House, urban and architectural features of the district, lifestyle, behaviors, and activities of members of the community that contribute toward the character and identity of the place.Students enrolled in Arch 22 (Architectural Design IV: Design and Social Space) conducted an off-campus AFA that included a general ocular inspection of the heritage components of the Sta. Ana Church complex, the Lichauco Heritage House, urban and architectural features of the district, lifestyle, behaviors, and activities of members of the community that contribute toward the character and identity of the place.Undergraduate students from the Institute of Biology on an off-campus AFA to collect Phytoplanktons, and to check the water quality of the Lakes Mohicap and Palakpakin.Geog 1 (Places and Landscapes in a Changing World) students conduct surveys and interviews with locals from Pundaquit, San Antonio, Zambales to create a sustainable tourism profile website for the Municipality, focusing on the Six Capitals of Value Creation of the study site.Geog 1 (Places and Landscapes in a Changing World) students conduct surveys and interviews with locals from Pundaquit, San Antonio, Zambales to create a sustainable tourism profile website for the Municipality, focusing on the Six Capitals of Value Creation of the study site.Geog 1 (Places and Landscapes in a Changing World) students conduct surveys and interviews with locals from Pundaquit, San Antonio, Zambales to create a sustainable tourism profile website for the Municipality, focusing on the Six Capitals of Value Creation of the study site.Geog 1 (Places and Landscapes in a Changing World) students conduct surveys and interviews with locals from Pundaquit, San Antonio, Zambales to create a sustainable tourism profile website for the Municipality, focusing on the Six Capitals of Value Creation of the study site.PhD students taking up Perf Stud 311 (Performance, Heritage and Cultural Memory) visit Corregidor Island and to explore the relationship of the place, cultural heritage, and performance; examine performative memorialization which commemorates historical events and reinforce and challenge cultural memories; and formulate critical notes in Corregidor through performance studies lens.PhD students taking up Perf Stud 311 (Performance, Heritage and Cultural Memory) visit Corregidor Island to explore the relationship of the place, cultural heritage, and performance; examine performative memorialization; and formulate critical notes in Corregidor through performance studies lens.PhD students taking up Perf Stud 311 (Performance, Heritage and Cultural Memory) visit Corregidor Island to explore the relationship of the place, cultural heritage, and performance; examine performative memorialization; and formulate critical notes in Corregidor through performance studies lens.PhD students taking up Perf Stud 311 (Performance, Heritage and Cultural Memory) visit Corregidor Island to explore the relationship of the place, cultural heritage, and performance; examine performative memorialization; and formulate critical notes in Corregidor through performance studies lens.Speech 141 (Rhetoric and Public Opinion) students conduct a site visit at the Social Weather Stations to be updated with the current trends in public opinion research and surveys on and about the Filipinos.EDUC 180 student teachers end the semester with a gathering after undertaking their practicum in their respective majors at the University of the Philippines Integrated School.CD 11 (Introduction to Community Development) students visit an urban poor community to observe community conditions and to listen to stories of communities related to poverty, inequality, and community development.CD 11 (Introduction to Community Development) students visit an urban poor community to observe community conditions and to listen to stories of communities related to poverty, inequality, and community development.Students taking up Art Stud 172 (Visual Arts in the Philippines) in an on-campus AFA as they visit and experience works of art at the Vargas Museum.ARTS 1 (Critical Perspectives in the Arts) students in an on-campus AFA as they visit and experience works of art at the Vargas Museum.A Food Science Master’s student conducts a face-to-face interview with a 93-year-old respondent who is also the oldest living producer of Sinudsod, a type of rice cake originating from Naic, Cavite.A Food Science Master’s student conducts a face-to-face interview with a 93-year-old respondent who is also the oldest living producer of Sinudsod, a type of rice cake originating from Naic, Cavite.A Food Science Master’s student conducts a face-to-face interview with the producers of Sinudsod, a type of rice cake originating from Naic, Cavite.A Food Science Master’s student conducts a face-to-face interview with the producers of Sinudsod, a type of rice cake originating from Naic, Cavite.Span 197 (Plurilingüismo, literatura y migración) students attend a roundtable discussion at the Instituto Cervantes de Manila, the cultural arm of the Spanish Embassy in the Philippines, that aimed to provide students an intimate glimpse into literary translation as a profession. Arch 142 (Architectural Design VIII: Integrative Design Project II) students visit Quirino Memorial Medical Center as part of their requirement to design a hospital. This allowed students to gather primary site information and to be familiar with hospital operations that will help in rationalizing the layout of such spaces.Arch 142 (Architectural Design VIII: Integrative Design Project II) students visit Quirino Memorial Medical Center as part of their requirement to design a hospital. This allowed students to gather primary site information and to be familiar with hospital operations that will help in rationalizing the layout of such spaces.Arch 142 (Architectural Design VIII: Integrative Design Project II) students visit Quirino Memorial Medical Center as part of their requirement to design a hospital. This allowed students to gather primary site information and to be familiar with hospital operations that will help in rationalizing the layout of such spaces.Arch 142 (Architectural Design VIII: Integrative Design Project II) students visit Quirino Memorial Medical Center as part of their requirement to design a hospital. This allowed students to gather primary site information and to be familiar with hospital operations that will help in rationalizing the layout of such spaces.Arch 142 (Architectural Design VIII: Integrative Design Project II) students visit Quirino Memorial Medical Center as part of their requirement to design a hospital. This allowed students to gather primary site information and to be familiar with hospital operations that will help in rationalizing the layout of such spaces.