The Office of Field Activities Diliman implements different request processes for each AFA type. The safety of the AFA venues, compliance with minimum health and safety protocols, coordination with the concerned LGU*, medical clearance*, and insurance requirements*1 of AFA participants shall be ensured by the College before an AFA request and other supporting documents related to AFA implementation are forwarded to OFA Diliman via email at ofadiliman@up.edu.ph.
The academic unit may constitute a committee to facilitate the evaluation of the requirements for the safe implementation of the unit’s AFAs. It shall also ensure that the following are in order:
- proper consultation with the students and stakeholders
- any document indicating coordination with NGO or LGU that holds jurisdiction over the AFA venue/s, if deemed necessary2
Academic units must ensure that the AFA-related processes and protocols at the College level are aligned with the UP Diliman Local Academic Field Activity Guidelines. Consequently, faculty members are advised to check their College-level processes for proper guidance. For instance, the College of Engineering (COE) faculty members who intend to implement an AFA are advised to reach out to Ms. Lani Pernia of the COE AFA Technical Committee for assistance at coe-afa.upd@up.edu.ph.
The following prescribed OFA Diliman forms and requirements also do not cover voluntary internships and can only be utilized by courses with internships that are included in the program’s curriculum.
AFA Processing (per AFA Type)
On-campus AFAs
Off-campus AFAs
On-campus Internships, Practicum, or On-the-Job Training with UP Diliman Offices
Local Internships, Practicum, On-the-Job Training within UP System Offices and other autonomous UP units
For AO and TOR processing, see Processing of Administrative Order (AO) and Terms of Reference (TOR) for Internships, Practicum, and On-the-Job Training with UP Diliman, UP System Offices, and other autonomous UP units under Processing of AFA-related Agreements.
Local Off-campus Internships, Practicum, On-the-Job Training with Host Training Establishments (HTEs)
For MOA processing, see MOA Processing with HTEs/MOA Processing for AFA-related MOAs with Extension Component under Processing of AFA-related Agreements.
NSTP Community Engagement Projects and Other NSTP AFAs
Special AFAs
International AFAs
Processing AFA-related Agreements
Processing of Administrative Order (AO) and Terms of Reference (TOR) for Internships, Practicum, and On-the-Job Training with UP Diliman, UP System Offices, and other autonomous UP units
MOA Processing with HTEs
This template can be used for Field Instruction Program (FIP) MOAs.
MOA Processing for AFA-related MOAs with Extension Component
(e.g. Asian Institute of Tourism Out-of-classroom Activities; School of Anthropology Field School)
Renewal/extension of previously-approved MOAs
Local AFA Matrix
- *if applicable ↩︎
- The Faculty-in-Charge must secure proof of LGU/NGO coordination, if deemed necessary, in compliance with CHED Memorandum Order 63, s. 2017. ↩︎