OFA Diliman engages PUP in a benchmarking activity on field activity processing

On November 27, 2024, the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman led a benchmarking activity with select offices from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). The event was held to obtain further insights into the various policies, guidelines, and strategies… read more

Mapping Geography with AFAs

Geography thrives at the intersection of places, people, communities, and landscapes they share—a scientific discipline rooted in understanding the connections that define the world we live in. Geographical studies provide a… read more

OFA Diliman welcomes fresh beginnings at Freshie Orientation Fair 2024

The Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman extended a warm welcome to the new freshmen of UP Diliman during the Freshie Orientation Fair (FOF) 2024… read more

UP Baguio Department of Biology Adopts UP Diliman AFA Forms

On August 29, 2024, the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman received a request from the UP Baguio Department of Biology to adopt the UP Diliman’s revised… read more

OFA Diliman leads benchmarking activity with ADMU to elevate experiential learning practices

The Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman conducted a benchmarking activity with selected offices from the Ateneo De Manila University (ADMU) on October 9. The initiative aimed to gain insights into the policies, guidelines, and strategies employed by other universities and institutions for managing outside-of-the-classroom activities, such as local and international field trips, fieldwork, internships, and other field-related endeavors… read more

2023 in Review

Last December 15, 2023, all seven (7) offices housed in the Diliman Interactive Learning Center (DILC) building, came together and wrapped up the year through its back-to-back annual year-end assessment and Christmas celebration. The Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman, along with the Office for Advancement of Teaching Diliman (OAT), Office of International Linkages (OIL) Diliman, General Education Center (GEC).. read more

OFA Diliman, with other UP Diliman Offices, renews commitment to service in the Investiture of the 12th UPD Chancellor

The UP Diliman community celebrated the Investiture of Atty. Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II as the 12th UPD Chancellor at the University Theater last October 27, 2023. The ceremony with the theme “Paglinang sa Mapagmalasakit na Paglilingkod” gathered academic and non-teaching staff as Chancellor Vistan laid out a three-part vision for the University under his term… read more

OFA Diliman develops up-to-date International Internship Guidelines as CHED green lights SIAP

UPDATE (06 February 2024): Memo No. OVCAA-MVLO-OFA 24-003 or the UP Diliman International Academic Field Activity (I-AFA) Guidelines is now available on the OFA Diliman Website.

For 2023, a major chunk of the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman’s work focused on matters related to international academic field activities following positive public health developments which once again allowed students to go abroad.. read more

Welcome, UP Diliman Freshies 2023!

The Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman took part in welcoming more than 3,000 first-year students during the UPD Freshie Orientation Program 2023 at the University Theater last September 8, 2023. The whole-day orientation sought to familiarize incoming freshies with the wide array of academic services offered by the different University Offices… read more

OFA Diliman joins International Staff Mobility Program 2023

The Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman, represented by Senior Project Assistant for Project Management Dorothy Forneloza participated in this year’s International Staff Mobility Program (ISMP) at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia on 22-26 May 2023… read more

UP Diliman Awarded ARTA Silver

The University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) was awarded the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) RCS 2.0 Silver Award last 16 February 2023, signifying a very satisfactory rating for administrative efficiency. Certificates of Appreciation were given to UP Diliman’s constituent offices, including the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman, headed by Asst. Prof. Arlyn P. Macapinlac… read more

OFA Diliman Launches its First Logo 

More than half a decade after the unit was institutionalized, the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman launched its inaugural logo on June 6, 2022, in an effort to increase the visibility of the Office and to raise awareness of its functions and mandate among the U.P. Diliman community… read more

Office of Field Activities Diliman: Exploring the Field through Remote Learning

Kapit, Yakap, Tindig: How UP Diliman Took on the Challenge of COVID-19 is a collection of narratives of the UP Diliman Community at the height of the pandemic. It highlights the experiences and challenges faced by the University and how the UP Diliman Community responded to these trying times with courage, resilience, and a community of care.

OFA Diliman shares its part on how it adapted to the shift to remote learning to ensure sustainability of Academic Field Activities in changing contexts… read more

UP Diliman enters a Memorandum of Understanding with Philippine Army Reserve Command

The University of the Philippines Diliman through the Department of Military Science and Tactics entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Philippine Army Reserve Command (ARESCOM)… read more

Video Series Web Launch

Consistent with the efforts of the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman to guide the faculty, staff, and students in preparing documents that would ensure the safe and relevant implementation of academic field activities (AFAs) throughout the academic year… read more

OFA Leadership and Direction

Embodying the virtues of honor and excellence, Assistant Professor Arlyn P. Macapinlac has been wholeheartedly serving the University of the Philippines (UP) as a professor and a leader. Within these years, she has held various roles in teaching, administration, and extension services. As a new addition to her series of administrative roles, she currently serves as the Director of the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman… read more

Ceremonial Signing of MOA with Nestlé Philippines

The University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) and Nestlé Philippines, Inc. entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Student Internship. To formalize the partnership, a ceremonial signing was held last 29 August 2017, headed by Prof. Christian R. Orozco, Director of the Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman, at the Office of the Chancellor Conference Room, Quezon Hall.. read more

Academic Program Improvement (API) Project

In 2016, OFA Diliman has implemented an Academic Program Improvement (API) Project that aims to contextualize AFAs in the University. This API project has the following objectives: (i) to document and categorize existing AFAs in UP Diliman, (ii) to identify issues on existing policies and practices in conducting AFAs of different colleges and/or academic units in UP Diliman, and (iii) to formulate recommendations for the development of University-wide policies on academic field activities based on good practices by academic units…read more

Balangkas: Symposium on Best Practices in Academic Field Activities

The Symposium on Best Practices in Academic Field Activities is the fifth event in the OVCAA’s Balangkas Symposium Series. The symposium was geared towards gathering inputs from presenters and participants for a common overarching framework that would ensure safe and relevant conduct of academic field activities in the University…read more