The Office of Field Activities (OFA) Diliman took part in welcoming more than 3,000 first-year students during the UPD Freshie Orientation Program 2023 at the University Theater last September 8, 2023. The whole-day orientation sought to familiarize incoming freshies with the wide array of academic services offered by the different University Offices.

OFA Director Asst. Prof. Arlyn Macapinlac together with Senior Project Assistants Dorothy Forneloza and Carlos Gacutan, and Administrative Assistant James Bañadera at the OFA Booth during the Freshie Orientation Program 2023
Along with units from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) and other UPD Offices, OFA Diliman staff members set up its interactive booth to better introduce the Office and its mandate to fresh faces in the University.
The newest batch of students exhibited their competitiveness as they actively participated in the OFA Trivia Game. After a brief presentation from the OFA staff, the game was facilitated to test the knowledge of the students about the history of the Office, what Academic Field Activities (AFAs) are, and the work OFA Diliman carries out. Misconceptions were also addressed as some of the students perceived the Office as a volunteer service program that deploys students in the field. The staff members also distributed brochures and sticker sets to students who visited the booth.

OFA Staff Members provide UP Diliman Freshies with an overview of the Office through an interactive game
OFA Director Asst. Prof. Arlyn Macapinlac joined onstage other unit heads of OVCAA led by then OIC-VCAA Dr. Percival Almoro to entertain queries about the services and mandate of their respective offices during the Question and Answer session of the orientation program.
One of the questions raised in the panel was how the Offices coped with the pandemic. OFA shared how the pandemic did not stop the operations of the Office in facilitating AFAs; instead, OFA adapted to the shift to digitalized processes. Several guidelines for remote and limited face-to-face engagements were published in coordination with relevant Offices to ensure the safety and well-being of students participating in AFAs during the time of COVID-19. It was underscored that with the ease in restrictions, freshies can look forward to onsite and physical AFAs for the coming academic year.
Although the Office mostly communicates with faculty and staff, OFA assures that students may reach out and contact OFA Diliman personnel for queries and clarifications on AFAs such as local, and even international internships. They may also access the OFA Website for Frequently Asked Questions.

OFA is excited to welcome the new academic year with more and more Iskolar ng Bayan engaging in relevant quality experiential learning that upholds honor and excellence. Various engagements of students in AFAs not only allow them to acquire more knowledge, experience, and insights but also to deepen their sensitivity to the diverse organizations and communities they serve and have interactions with.
Welcome to UP Diliman, Freshies!