The Office of Field Activities Diliman invites faculty and students to participate in the “AFA Spotlight” campaign that aims to showcase stories and experiences of students as they partake in out-of-classroom activities.

AFA Spotlight submissions will be open all year round. We highly encourage academic units to participate in this campaign to advocate for and promote academic field activities as part of the holistic education the University offers. To submit an article, students, through the faculty-in-charge, may email their submission to OFA Diliman (via with the subject [Course – Surname] AFA Spotlight using the provided AFA Spotlight submission template. Faculty members and lecturers may also contribute to this campaign.

AFA Spotlight Submission template: For Students | For Teachers

Lakbay-Aral sa Intramuros

By: PI 100 THV3 | Editor: Paula Dominique Albayda (BA Linguistics)

Posted on June 24, 2024

Lakbay-Aral sa Bantayog ng mga Bayani

By: Guia Marie Mistades (BA Journalism), Alvin Cabuco (BA Philippine Studies), and Ace Hernandez (BS Mechanical Engineering)

Posted on June 24, 2024

Watch the Facts!: A Fight Against Disinformation

By: Kristine Bernadette Q. Nuñez (BS Computer Science)

Posted on May 9, 2024

Flooding and related issues in the Wawa-Marikina Watershed

By: Assoc. Prof. Jose Andres F. Ignacio and Geog 198 (Geography – Environmental Geography) students

Posted on February 23, 2024

Answering the Call: Reflections on a Blind Community Immersion

By: Kim Oliver S. De Silva (BA Philippine Studies)

Posted on January 26, 2024